Today is …

I always enjoy hearing what “Today is” like in Today is national Save the Polar Bears daySo since I have been meaning to start blogging on a regular basis, I decided that I would search what today is. I discovered a website called and on that site you can find out what national day it is for any date. You would be happy to know that “Today is National Strawberry Sundae Day.” Hooray for strawberries and ice cream!  Sounds like something I would be happy to celebrate. I did some research to find out how something becomes a “national day” and if they are legitimate. Here is what I discovered … The United States only recognizes ten days as national holidays. Then there are government-sanctioned days that are considered national observances. There are about 40 of those. You can also have national days that are created by a proclamation from someone like the President or from a group like Congress. These are only supposed to be a one-time event and not a yearly thing. So days such as tomorrow’s National Video Game Day are actually created and sometimes paid for by individuals or companies. Sites like the National Day Calendar website allow you to apply for a specific national day. Another popular way to get a national day trending is to start a hashtag. So if I really love roller coasters and I am planning to go to an amusement park, I might start my own hashtag #nationalrollercoasterday and see if it gets any attention. Perhaps instead today should be #nationalteacherblogday. Who knows? It might take off!

To read more about national days, here is an article from 2016 that was published by the Tampa Bay Times. If you are curious, it is a quick read!

Ever Wonder Where All Those National Food Holidays Come From?

So what would you choose to be a national day if you had the chance? I think my husband would pick National Hamburger with a Side of Pancakes Day. Let us know your ideas in the comments.

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